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See You Soon





So what is "DDE"?  Delightful Danni Experience.  What else?  How is it different?  Well, start with a mature woman who has the brain and experience of a woman who knows what she wants and what you want and how to make it happen.  Then add the body of that girl in high school who had a tight body and wore tight jeans and made you hold your books in front of yourself so your reaction wouldn't be noticed.  Now add a totally unscripted time together.  No preconceived ideas of first we'll do this then that and then be on your way.


And when will you discover what a DDE is?  Well, you can take a look at my credentials.  I've gotten and get a better idea.  Or, you can email me right now and set a time and place and date.  You just may discover that "DDE" will be the only three letters you'll ever look for in an ad again.  I can't wait until I hear that alert when I've received your new email.  Let's do it.  

